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Contact DMSC
If you have any questions, or would like a free estimate, please fill out the form below.  Someone from our office will contact you within 1 business day. 
For faster service, please call our office: 888-417-3842.
DMSC Incorporated ® PO Box 3, Brooklyn, MI 49230
Phone: 734-428-7995
Toll Free: 888-417-3842
Parking lot sweeping              sweeping
Jackson, MI                           striping
Parking lot striping                 line painting
Jackson county        lenawee county
calhoun county         washtenaw county
hillsdale county
Brooklyn, MI              parking lot maintenance
Jackson Area             
Power sweeping
Ann Arbor, Saline, Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, Brooklyn, Jackson, Cement City, Addison, Hudson, Onsted, Clinton, Tecumseh, Ypsilanti, Marshall, Albion, Coldwater, Jonesville, Hillsdale